In this retelling of the story of Hamlet, the young man is a soldier on leave to attend his widowed mother's marriage to his uncle - a marriage which...
This exaggerated mockery of crime cinema tells the story of a gang lead by "Renato, o pacíficio" (Renato, the peaceful) and their attempt to...
Chronicle of Good Hoodlums
A old portuguese tail
The Stone Soup
Irene is an agent for an insurance company. She is given the job of investigating the disappearance of an elderly librarian in a provincial town....
Os Abismos da Meia-Noite
Terra Nova, Mar Velho
Director Christian De Chalonge uses a docudrama-styled approach to tell the lonely story of Portugese workers in France. In hopes of avoiding the...
Voyage of Silence
On a supermarket shelf, a particular alarm clock keeps blaring off-hand, upsetting the staff and the customers. Eventually, it's golden frame...
The Alarm Clock
A look at the life and career of Vasco Santana, one of the most beloved actors of the Portuguese cinema.
Vasco Santana: O Bom Português
Jacques Vauthier, a blind, deaf and mute writer is accused of a crime he quickly confesses to having committed. Jacques refuses to explain himself to...
La Brute