This charming comedy tracks the lives of several romantic pairs through trials and tribulations. The main focus of the story is a young soldier with...
Everything Will Be All Right
Three astronauts (two Russians and American) find a very Soviet-alike small town on the fourth planet from Sun.
The Fourth Planet
Dovlatov charts six days in the life of a brilliant, ironic writer who saw far beyond the rigid limits of 70s Soviet Russia. Sergei Dovlatov fought...
Mother is eighty, Seva - sixty.That's the whole family right there. Seva spent his life looking after his mother. While he was at her beck and call,...
Mama — Saint Sebastian
Partos Alekseevich Paramonov (Paramosha) worked in the circus as a clown. His wife died and he began to drink too much. Paramoshi left a porcelain...
In Russia at the turn of the century, a wealthy Jewish merchant enjoys the best of relations with his Russian neighbours, while his respected home...
Get Thee Out
A semi-fictional account of the life of Russian poet Joseph Brodsky, who was forced into American exile in 1972.
A Room and a Half
A young guy decides to try himself in a northern region of USSR after being honorably discharged from Soviet Army.
Errors of Youth