At some point in the not-so-distant future, an unnamed European city has evolved into a bizarre dystopian metropolis, whose residents inhabit...
Silent Resident
Sabine Nemez is now studying at the BKA academy with the eccentric forensic scientist Sneijder. Although she is shocked by the death of her...
Todesurteil - Nemez und Sneijder ermitteln
Following the failure of his last mission, RFG spy Michael Roddick decides to disappear, taking along Elena, the daughter of a Russian spy who died...
Black Flowers
Smart financial advisor Katrin is desperately looking for a way to escape Christmas in her family's lap. And that seems to be coming up soon. In the...
Der Weihnachtshund
Luisa returns to her parents' home when her father becomes bedridden. She's expected to help her mother deal with the drudgery of caring for him, but...
The Reunion