David Cardew, a talented sculptor, lives an idyllic life in the English countryside with his wife, Laura, and their two children. But his happiness...
Dark Red Roses
King Arthur faces his doom as his kingdom is undermined from within by the love of his queen for Sir Launcelot, and the treachery of Mordred, his son...
Morte d'Arthur
Two playwrights and a former burlesque queen travel to Louisiana to research a musical they're planning on a local Southern hero.
A Song for Miss Julie
A soldier discovers a button made from Aladdin's lamp grants wishes when rubbed.
Alf's Button
As the threat of Napoleonic invasion looms ever closer, a German duke and potential ally of England falls for a pretty ballerina.
Invitation To The Waltz
A beautiful Russian ballerina falls in love with an American news correspondent. The KGB is most displeased and does everything it can to break them...
The Girl from Petrovka
A ballet dancer struggles with his homosexuality and the increasing allure of a young ballerina who seeks to draw him away from his domineering lover.
An American reporter falls in love with a Russian ballet dancer.
Never Let Me Go