A welcoming audience of Australian friends, the beautiful backdrop of Sydney during its spring season, and an unforgettable evening of music make...
Australian Homecoming
The Gaither Homecoming Tour celebrates its 10th anniversary in a big way by capturing all the sounds and excitement of a concert-in-the-round on...
Live From Toronto
Filmed at one of the largest Homecoming concert events ever at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia; All Day Singing at the Dome (with Atlanta...
All Day Singing at The Dome
Gaither Vocal Band - Live In Concert in New Orleans. The Gaither Vocal Band Performs Live in New Orleans, LA. Bill Gaither, Mark Lowry, Guy Penrod,...
I Do Believe
There is something so special about being at home with our family and friends all around us. This video captures the warmth of gathering around the...
Feelin' At Home