Angèle is a 1934 French drama film directed, produced and written by Marcel Pagnol. It stars Orane Demazis as a naive young woman who is...
Jofroi sells his orchard to Alphonse. Alphonse wants to use the land for crops, so he starts to cut down the trees. Jofroi is furious: how can...
In the Camargue a local young playboy named Frédéri falls in love with a young woman from Arles. His family thinks she is unsuitable as...
Desiring to give his compatriots a taste for laughter, a comic Marseilles founds a club with friends whose joke is the reason for living and tries to...
Le Club des fadas
A father falls in love with his son's mistress whom he has forced to emigrate to force him to break up. More carefree than a schoolboy, he ruins...
"Merlusse" is French schoolboy slang for codfish, and M. Blanchard, a professor at a certain lycée, was known to his victims by that name. On...
Picking up moments after the end of Marius, this film follows Fanny’s grief after Marius’s departure—and her realization that...
Murcia countryside, Spain, at the end of the 19th century. Pencho, a peasant, and Xavier, son of a powerful landowner, get into a bloody fight after...
The Gardens of Murcia