After witnessing a mysterious woman brutally slay a homemaker, prostitute Liz Blake finds herself trapped in a dangerous situation. While the police...
Dressed to Kill
After the death of the paranoid emperor Tiberius, Caligula, his heir, seizes power and plunges the empire into a bloody spiral of madness and...
Police try to halt a psychotic killer's (Andrew Prine) rampage against women who posed nude in men's magazines.
The Centerfold Girls
Adventure comedy directed by Bruno Corbucci.
Messalina, Messalina!
Mama loves men, but she loves money even more. She's trained her three teenager daughters to meet, marry and murder men for their money. But soon...
Mama's Dirty Girls
A woman is sexually assaulted by a serial rapist wearing a hockey mask. She and other victims form a squad that targets would-be rapists, all the...
Act of Vengeance