After going through a breakup and moving back home, James navigates through a "quarter life crisis" while dealing with mental illness, a spandex...
American Dreams Redux
"GRIEF" follows the life and sudden death of Kari, a fragile honors student, who decides that suicide is the only way out. You will be shown the...
Monk’s meditation on WWII and recurring cycles of intolerance, fascism, and cruelty in history originated in 1976 as a live stage work...
After a priest dies, the young boy he befriended struggles to know how to grieve in a world of suspicion. James Joyce's The Sisters, part of our 52...
James Joyce's The Sisters
Phillip Penzeda, born into poverty in Brooklyn, NY. He struggles with racial prejudice, true love and loss, and finding out what it takes to survive...
My Name is Nobody
After the death of his brother and serving two years in prison, Joshua moves back in with his mom while under house arrest and is forced to address...
12 Steps to Recovery