After surviving a car accident that took the life of her boyfriend, a teenage girl believes he's attempting to reconnect with her from the after...
The In Between
The summer before college, Auden meets the mysterious Eli, a fellow insomniac. While the seaside town of Colby sleeps, the two embark on nightly...
Along for the Ride
Special agent Martinez investigates a string of missing girls in south Florida, but when one of the victims is the Ambassador's daughter, the...
Sick Minded
The amazing story of DragonMan was born at the dawn of the 21st Century, when the world, about to change forever, watched in disbelief as four...
DragonMan: The Adventures of Luke Starr
Damian, the CEO of the world's most powerful military-industrial group, is mistaken for a poor salesman earning only $3,000 a month. Unexpectedly, he...
Money, Guns and a Merry Christmas