The films follows a Syrian War Explosive Ordnance Disposal team who are targeted by ISIS militants while they prepare the recently liberated historic...
Once In The Desert
The film depicts the first flaming signs of love in human life. The characters are all ten years old and attend the same hockey and figure skating...
Elementary Loves
Seven good-ending stories for a whole family.
Happiness Is...
The Daughter of the Accordion Player
A new interpretation of the most known and beloved fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen - "Snow Queen"
The Mystery of Snow Queen
A story of a first love between six-grader and his arrogant classmate.
The story of a young teacher Nadezhda Panaeva, who had just left the walls of the pedagogical institute and began her adult life. She dreams of...
Waiting for spring
Christina wants to take revenge on her blind sister, who wants to take a prize in a popular music television show. She comes up with an evil joke in...
No, You're Stupid
Rebellious schoolgirl Dana grieves for her younger sister, a once-happy kid who suddenly stepped in front of a train. Desperate to learn what...