A girl takes a wild ride on the metro in Montreal. Travelling from station to station, she encounters an array of colourful characters in a bizarre...
The Girl with the Red Beret
Recorded in 2008, direct from the Knitting Factory stage in downtown Manhattan. This The McGarrigle Christmas Hour features Kate & Anna McGarrigle,...
A Not So Silent Night
A Documentary feature film directed by Lian Lunson celebrating the late Kate McGarrigle.
Sing Me the Songs That Say I Love You: A Concert for Kate McGarrigle
A short illustrating Wade Hemsworth's folk song about a woman's admiration for the agility of her boyfriend, the log driver.
Canada Vignettes: Log Driver's Waltz
A short documentary about singers Kate and Anna McGarrigle made by animator Caroline Leaf.
Kate and Anna McGarrigle
Hal Willner's Harry Smith Project concerts in London, New York and Los Angeles celebrated the eccentric collector genius and his influential...
The Harry Smith Project Live