This film is based on a true story, and set in the affluent world of Kentucky thoroughbred horse racing; a close-knit society with a fiercely...
Wild Ride
An intellectual leaves the Cuban revolution and 'underdevelopment' behind only to find himself at odds with the ambiguities of his new life in the...
Memories of Overdevelopment
Entirely made in California, the film brings together 30 American and European actors in an epic which crosses the mythical territories of that...
The American Tetralogy
River Miller, a mentally unstable actor haunted by the past, moves to Hollywood to start his life over, only to find his inner demons are inescapable.
Windsor Drive
Cinka Panna
Set in 1974, a pair of '60s radicals rely on their bomb-making skills on their way to becoming capitalists.
Freaky Deaky