One day, Acme-kun, a boy with three balls (played by Reijiro Kato, then 33 years old), meets an old man who calls himself the Second Doctor. He...
Bewitching Great War Acme-kun
Kenichi, a leading figure in the world of Japanese literature, accepts an essay on the recent popularity of shaved pubic hair, but never made any...
Dosukebe okusan: Kanjiru soriato
This is a telephone club hosted by Manatsu's friend Mika. Receive a still image of the member who has received the membership fee and go on a date....
Nama honban inran kyonyū
Haruki, a female college student, is exposed to the curious eyes of customers in a cage in a bar. But in her daily life, she is enjoying her college...
Kyonyû shiikujutsu: Kankin
Reijô gangu: Inran byô
There was a man, a novelist, who had unavoidably turned his hand to sensual novels for a living, but now made a living out of it. One morning while...
Lots of Peeping: Hot Underpanties of a Lover