Conscience begins with the story of heartbreak experienced by the two main characters: Randi (Boy Hamza) who has just left his girlfriend, Dera...
Kata Hati
Marissa life is perfect. Besides having Papa and Mama who dote on, during the past two years Marissa is dating Michael, best-looking guy in school....
7 Hari Menembus Waktu
Although college student Sam has made a pact to graduate with his best friends, he lags behind as the only one who is struggling to finish his...
The Final Note
A student forms the Trio Detective Group to solve the Demonic Pink Guinea Pig case that is threatening the school -- and to attract a girl’s...
Pink Guinea Pig
Alitt's breakup with his long-term girlfriend, Wina, has left him feeling betrayed. His best friends, Supri tries his best to find him a new...
The story “from zero to hero” of a teenager named Bishma who has martial arts talent. His outstanding talent never realized because his...
Gani falls in love with Hanna, but can't say it except in his diary. When he wanted to reveal it, Hanna had decided to marry Arya. However, marrying...
Till Then, Hanna!