A story of a bunch of college friends who reunite after many years. It focuses on their college life, leading to the responsibilities of adulthood...
Hondisi Bareyiri
Set against the backdrop of 1960s Bangalore, Aachar & Co. follows the journey of a traditional family as they navigate the challenges of embracing...
Aachar & Co
Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy’s six-minute short pitch to Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar & Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, which blossomed into an acclaimed feature...
Aachar & Co - The journey
A jovial guy named Rama Krishna who wants to be a political leader, goes through a series of uncontrollable situations that end up being lessons of...
Ramana Avatara
A young, cricketer turned teacher, has to overcome a big challenge in his personal life; and teach a motley bunch of kids what it means to play hard...
Please Turn Over
This homage to 1980s teen sex comedies follows a college quiz bowl champion who knows almost everything -- except how to talk to women.
Brahman Naman