Musical stage adaptation of JM Barrie's classic tale, which tells the story of the boy who wouldn't grow up and the adventures of the Darling...
CBeebies Presents: Peter Pan
This adaptation of the traditional story will see Robin Hood and his Merry Band protecting Sherwood Forest and its animal inhabitants from the...
CBeebies Panto: Robin Hood
A host of CBeebies stars perform a unique adaptation of As You Like It on the world’s most famous stage. Expect love, dressing up, singing and...
CBeebies Presents: As You Like It at Shakespeare's Globe
Fairies, magic, celebration and comical confusion! Join Swashbuckle's Cook and Line as they help William Shakespeare put together a magical...
CBeebies Presents: A Midsummer Night's Dream
A magical island, a stormy shipwreck and a royal mystery!
CBeebies Presents: The Tempest
A CBeebies adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic tale. As she journeys through Wonderland, young Alice learns to use her imagination. Performed by a...
CBeebies Presents: Alice in Wonderland
The stars of CBeebies bring to life this magical adventure about a thumb-sized girl in an oversized world of plants and animals, as Thumbelina tries...
CBeebies Presents: Thumbelina
Packed with CBeebies stars and some very special guests, the classic Dickens novel is adapted to tell the story of how miserly Ebenezer Scrooge needs...
CBeebies Presents: A Christmas Carol
A brand new CBeebies Prom from the Royal Albert Hall. Join Andy, Chantelle, Jen, Maddie, Rhys and conductor Kwamé, with lots of CBeebies...
CBeebies Prom: Wildlife Jamboree
Join CBeebies for an ocean adventure travelling the musical world in the Royal Albert Hall submarine to find endangered creatures and tackle tricky...
CBeebies Prom: Ocean Adventure