Pat Tate embarks on a rampage to avenge his loyal and trusted footsoldier's violent death, venturing beyond his comfort zone of Essex into the dark...
Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance
Rise of the Footsoldier follows the inexorable rise of Carlton Leach from one of the most feared generals of the football terraces to becoming a...
Rise of the Footsoldier
Notorious gangster, Pat Tate, rises through the ranks of Essex's criminal underworld. A prequel to the 'Rise of the Footsoldier' franchise.
Rise of the Footsoldier 3: The Pat Tate Story
Are You Ready for Love?
Fresh out of prison, Pat Tate steps right back into his Essex nightclub. But still disgruntled, he soon sets out to Marbelle to revenge those that...
Rise of the Footsoldier 4: Marbella
TATE heads to Ibiza track down the villains responsible for a friend’s murder.
Rise of the Footsoldier: Ibiza