Locked in her flat for several years, a reclusive young woman stumbles upon a mysterious web community. According to an urban myth, the Suicide Club...
Suicide Club
After a crash, two lives become tangled in a romantic web, where they complete each other, just not in the way they think.
A man convinced that Lucifer was within him brutally murdered his wife and child in satanic sacrifice. Now, years later, Eric, Hayley and their...
House on Elm Lake
A group of teens are tormented by the Grim Reaper and his pet after undergoing an experiment that allows them to revisit the dead.
Pet Graveyard
After his wife tragically dies, a desperate widowed husband finds a service online that can bring her back - but not all is as it seems.
Cyber Bride
A compendium of eight ghost stories, all set within an abandoned hotel in Suffolk.
The Haunted Hotel
An amateur fighter is lured by a trafficking syndicate specializing in elite underground fighting where her brutal captor forces her to fight or face...
Never Back Down: Revolt