This is the story of daredevil stuntman Randy Cambell and his quest to follow in his late father's footsteps and become New Zealand's greatest...
The Devil Dared Me To
First Contact is a sci-fi comedy which shows why there are so few visits from aliens these days. Two aliens interrogate a sub-contractor who they...
First Contact
Trapped in a speeding van, a Kiwi rock band succumb to travel sickness while deconstructing the heist that robbed them of an entire weekend’s...
Shout at the Ground
Clive de Roo scientist discovers a new source of seismic activity beneath the Gulf of Waitemata. Provides that a new volcanic eruption could occur...
When Alice is left by her husband, she devises an unusual way to mend her broken heart. But is she making a fool of herself or striking out for a...
A Woman's Right to Shoes