Gisela is a young wife and mother, living in a working class German Housing Scheme. She is a supermarket cashier, her husband a delivery driver. The...
Grump's life follows the same familiar routines: spring is here and the early potato harvest is ripening. But Grump crashes his beloved Ford Escort...
The Grump: In Search of an Escort
The body of Christian Rommedahl, from Denmark, washes up on the Flensburg Fjord. The victim's friend and work colleague, Lasse Jørgensen, is...
Baltic Files
When Elina, a young aspiring rapper forced to move from Finland to southern France, meets Sofia, her new step-sister and an impressive ballerina, she...
A man named Seligman finds a fainted wounded woman in an alley and he brings her home. She tells him that her name is Joe and that she is...
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I
BETWEEN is the story of Marco, a 13-year-old boy caught in the web of his parents' divorce.
It's 10:47 pm on a bus somewhere in a city. A few teenagers are listening to music and talking loudly. The other passengers look languidly out the...
22:47 Line 34
Her self-chosen solitude in the thick forest comes to a sudden end for Noé, when she finds the broken body of a female android. While she...
I Am