The story revolves around a point in the friendship of Vano, (Andhika Pratama), Tia (Poppy Sovia), and Desi (Debby Kristi). A love triangle lies...
The Butterfly
A group of criminals stole the Atlantis Crown at the Jakarta museum, Lapor Pak! team must quickly rediscover the crown to be returned to the museum...
Hilangnya Mahkota Atlantis
The story begins with a brief meeting between Asep (Andika Pratama) and Farah (Donita). Asep which is the youth of the village Endah Pisan plain fell...
Kejarlah Jodoh Kau Kutangkap
When Syahdu divorces her abusive husband, she decides to marry her married ex-boyfriend, Ifand who is unable to have a child with his wife, Sofia.
Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung
The Shadow Master returns with the power of the Sea Pearl to sink the world. To defeat him, Paddle Pop and his friends must adventure in the sea and...
Petualangan Singa Pemberani Atlantos 2
The story about love, life, and friendship of four street punks named Arok, Almira, Mojo, and Yoji. From their hometown Malang in East Java, they...
Punk in Love
As Damian's girlfriend, Stella always feel a star in the society. Then she meets Elang, a simple independent boy, who plays the guitar. Few incidents...
Ada Kamu, Aku Ada
Revolves around the life of a highschool student, love-idealist named Claudia, and a thirty something love-skeptic Jasmine, and the way they confront...
Andika, Gadis, and Hans are best friends, who are mutually attracted to each other. Andika gets a scholarship to go to college in Germany. His two...
Only One Hour
Lonely girls who believe haunted by the ghost, find the shocking answer at the end.
After Midnight
It is an omnibus consisting of six stories.
Jakarta Hati
Ryan and Cinta are tragically separated before they're able to express their love for each other. But Ryan gets a second chance when his spirit takes...
Love is Cinta
Soleh and his friends, Lukman, Marsyel, Eko, and Fey created a campus magazine focusing on news, gossip and opinions. However, they had to deal with...
Mau Jadi Apa?
A college teen gets possessed by three satanic spirits after retrieving a mysterious odd doll. With the help of her two friends, they must race...
A teenager reluctant to enroll discovers the importance of friendship and the determination it takes to pursue his dreams at a boarding school.
Negeri 5 Menara
The Salman family have four children, all boys. They are Bagus, the handsome who’s shy toward girls; Alim the troublemaker; Rizky who has low...
I Love You Masbro
Alexa, a young policewoman, is assigned to capture the drug kingpin, Ricardo Monte Carlo. The police try to find the key witness, but he is missing...
d'Girlz Begins
Right before tsunami happen in Indonesia, there was a time glitch in various parts of the world, including in Jakarta. At that time, three friends...
Glitch: Tersesat Dalam Waktu