Agnibha Bose (Sourav Das), a struggling and mentally disturbed novelist, is trying to battle his personal trauma. However, when he meets the ultimate...
Bishakto Manush Vol. 1
Based on the Naxalite–Maoist insurgency in the Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, an army officer leads a mission to eradicate a group of Maoist...
Bastar: The Naxal Story
A group therapy session that is overdubbed by a documentary style narrative highlights causes and commonalities associated with depressiona and...
After the Threeshold
Desire and greed intertwines the lives of a Bollywood star, his chauffeur, a prostitute and her pimp in an unlikely love story.
Ascharya Fuck It
The story of a con artist in North India who convinces women to marry him just so he can live off their money.
Fraud Saiyaan