Five childhood friends from a small Montenegrin town have gradually moved away to different corners of the former Yugoslavia, yet they remain in...
After the Winter
At the end of VHS era, two teenage cinephiles will on the same day not only experience their first falling in love, but also far gloomier...
The Eagle's Nest
Jovan has just graduated from literature and struggles to finish his first novel. He decides to go to his friend's country estate in order to...
The Ascent
In the center of Podgorica, under the bridge on river Moraca, the corpse is found. Quickly we learn that it is well known member of a criminal...
Vanja is an extremely moody and introverted nine-year-old boy who grows up next to a single mother. She is going through relationship problems with...
Someone Else
A persecuted child finds shelter in the house of the enemy. The host faces an awestruck choice: to save the child's life and his own integrity - or...
The Tower of Strength