Glowing, Growing is a unique little movie produced entirely by film students in which two young outsiders join a mass suicide group in an attempt to...
Glowing, Growing
Biopic of poet and painter Kamachi Yamada.
Road movie set in the United States
The Junk Food Generation
The cop Himuro is picked as scapegoat by his superiors because of their own involvement in sokaiya gangster practices.
The Outer Way
Based on the novel of the same name by Azusa Katsume.
The Dentist
Small-time con man Jiro makes his living tricking small businesses out of large sums of money. In the process he acquires a helpmate Kumiko, a...
Mobsters' Confessions
Kazuhiko Nakamura directs this sexually charged wacky comedy set in the world of the Japanese adult video industry. The story follows a young woman's...
Bastoni: The Stick Handlers