Paying tribute to one of their most popular hits, "Ventura Highway," 1970s soft rock icons America take the stage in a memorable concert recorded...
America & Friends: Live at the Ventura Theater
Recorded on June 16, 1999 at the TV Studio "Ohne Filter", in Baden-Baden, Germany
America In Concert
In the 1960s and 1970s, German television showcased some of the top musical acts from around the world on the program "MusikLaden" (Beat Club)....
America: The Best of MusikLaden Live
America: Live in Chicago presents a unique and intimate performance from the legendary band that defined the early 70's folk sound and ruled the...
America: Live in Chicago
Grammy winning music group America, led for four decades by Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell, perform their greatest hits. America’s Infinity...
America - Infinity Hall Live