A sketch and variety show hosted by the Smosh Family that aired live on December 15, 2022 on Kiswe. Similar to its predecessor, Under The Influence,...
Smosh: Under the Mistletoe
Smosh reawakens their breakout series [Blank] is Dead: The Funeral Roast for a night to DIE for! Anthony Padilla will Roast in Peace, and all of your...
Anthony is Dead: The Funeral Roast
Mary keeps hearing strange noises in the middle of the night. She thinks her house might be haunted, so she hires a priest to perform an exorcism....
Smosh: Under The Influence was live sketch and variety show that was hosted by the Smosh Family and aired on June 30, 2022 via Kiswe, a livestreaming...
Smosh: Under the Influence
When a viral video of Bigfoot emerges, a once popular influencer goes on a mission to film a vlog with Bigfoot and regain her fame.
Bigfoot Famous
A fully-improvised lockdown mockumentary following the cast and crew of a struggling theater (All Voice IS Theater) in Pigeon Valley, Tennessee. They...
RE-OPENING: A Lockdown Mockumentary
A live streamed parody of your classic multicam sitcom but the cast is surprised by last minute lines, prop mishaps and improvised bits chosen by YOU.
Smosh: The Sitcom LIVE
a short film by matt kane, starring amanda lehan-canto