Supernatural drama about ex-con Jimmy Collins, just released from prison, who begins experiencing paranormal visions whenever he touches people. His...
Despite her sheltered upbringing, Jenny is a teen with a bright future; she's smart, pretty, and has aspirations of attending Oxford University. When...
An Education
In the bleak days of the Cold War, espionage veteran George Smiley is forced from semi-retirement to uncover a Soviet mole within his former...
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
A romantic comedy centered on Dexter and Emma, who first meet during their graduation in 1988 and proceed to keep in touch regularly. The film...
One Day
Two first-year students at Oxford University join a secret society and learn that their reputations can be made or destroyed over the course of one...
The Riot Club
During the Blitz of World War II, a female screenwriter works on a film celebrating England's resilience as a way to buoy a weary populace's spirits....
Their Finest
The story of a claustrophobic relationship between a single mother and her piano prodigy son. Arriving in a tight-knit rural community, the pair...
Three young women vacationing in Paris find themselves whisked away to Monte Carlo after one of the girls is mistaken for a British heiress.
Monte Carlo