In the 1920s, in Turkmenistan, Qalli-bai makes the difficult decision to join the Basmachi, leaving behind his ailing wife in the care of their...
City girl Jeren, a pupil of an orphanage, moves to the village to live with the parents of her husband Kerim. Here she starts working at the club....
I've Come Forever
Border Silence
An old, sick keeper and a girl, Maral, live at the lighthouse. It is unknown how long the girl would have lived as a hermit at the lighthouse if not...
Beacon Lamp
My People
The young shepherd Murad and the beautiful Aigul fell in love with each other. But their happiness was short-lived. The evil Deva took the girl away...
The Tale of the Magic Beads
The film is about a Turkmen who defends his homeland from invasion. He is captured, tortured, and brainwashed into serving his homeland's conquerors....
Old man Khalnazar tells the orphan Toykuli about the kidnapped Gyulkahkas-peri, who brings joy to people. The boy decides to find Gylkahkas. The...
Garden of Eden
About the legendary musical competition between the famous Turkmen dutar player Shukur Bakhshy and Persian court musician Ghulam Bakhshy.
The Contest
The confrontation of two, in their own right, sides: the young chairman of the collective farm Dzhupbar, who dreams of rebuilding the village "in a...
A Horseman is Always A Horseman
Bai Kakabai, who fiercely hates the Soviet government, goes abroad with his family and servants. He is followed by the Nurali and Dodur brothers. The...
The Sad Tale of Love