After a numerous amount of aggressions, four young women, living in a Catholic Orphanage Refuge, will create their own guerilla against a men’s...
Madison Guerilla
Filmed in 1991, this is the 2024 digitally edited version of the 1991 cult horror film, "Baby, I'm A Werewolf." Written, directed, originally edited...
Baby, I'm A Werewolf
A venereal disease turns an entire town of two-timing mothers into cannibals!
Flesh Eating Mothers
Disturbed and Hideously ugly 'Warehouse Worker' Frank dates then murders women who are not nice to him, he then mutilates and disposes of their...
The Bride of Frank
A woman goes to a back alley abortion clinic, only to have her aborted fetus attack her, her boyfriend, and everyone else at the clinic.
The Suckling
A wild and strange collection of raw uninhibited uncut skits, sketches and spoofs that make fun of the world wide web. Everything from commercials to...
Surfing the Web