This is the stage play adaptation of the original SK8 the Infinity anime series. Part 1 was performed from December 2 to December 12, 2021 at THE...
SK8 the Infinity - The Stage: The First Part ~Atsui yoru no hajimari~
The distant future. Midorijima, an island in Japan's south west, is an island divided - home to both 'Platinum Jail', a luxurious members-only...
Brain Crash Theatre [DRAMAtical Murder] Flashback
DRAMAtical Murder, a popular BL game released by Nitro+CHiRAL in 2012, is an adventure game set on the remote island of Midorijima in the future, and...
Brain Crash Theatre [Dramatical Murder]
Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, and many more prepare to face off in the Judicial Olympics. Overseeing the event is executive chairman and former...
Ace Attorney: Turnabout Gold Medal
live action Diabolik Lovers
Is the second stage play adaption of Haruichi Furudate's Haikyū!! series. The stage play is split into two acts and covers the second half of...
Hyper Projection Play "Haikyuu!!" Karasuno, Revival!