Shostakovich's Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, a lurid tale of sex, murder, and corruption, premiered in 1934 and was a success until Stalin saw it two...
Shostakovich: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk
A comic-fantastic opera by Tchaikovsky, also known as Cherevichki. In a small Ukrainian village, the devil decides to steal the moon to revenge...
The Slippers
Posthumously premiered in 1930, From the House of the Dead derives from Dostoevsky’s autobiographical 1862 novel that drew on his experience as...
From the House of the Dead - La Monnaie / De Munt
Live from ROH 2009, TV relay 1/12/2009.
The Tsarina's Slippers
Tsar Saltan marries the youngest of three sisters, having heard that it is her dearest wish to present him with a heroic son and heir. Her jealous...
The Tale Of Tsar Saltan
‘A beautiful song – a shame that it shows such disrespect to the Mayor!’ This remark from the score of The Golden Cockerel...
The Golden Cockerel
Sergei S. Prokofiev's monumental setting of Leo N. Tolstoy's epic novel, War and Peace. The composer and his wife Mira compressed the plot, set...
Sergej Prokofjew: Krieg und Frieden (Woina i mir)