Afraid that man will in time become a threat to the inhabitants of heaven, governor angel Lucifer leads a rebellion against God. Registration of...
The story of the murder of Dutch comedian Jean-Louis Pisuisse and his wife, by the hands of jealous singer Tjakko Kuiper. Based on Gerben Hellinga's...
Mensch Durf Te Leven
Registration of the 1987 perfomance by the Dutch theatregroup De Appel of the tragedy 'Faëton Of Reuckeloze Stoutheit' by the poet and...
Luke is a young man, he is 24. He has simple life and lives in the suburb of Amsterdam. Luke has also a girlfriend that he's known since he was a...
The Making of
Peter is a young journalist who lives and works in Amsterdam, a city with quite a high density of cafés. Peter has a dynamic personality,...
In the fall of 1945, nineteen year-old Mark Niebuhr, is accused of murder and is jailed as a prisoner of war in Warsaw, Poland. He maintains his...
The Turning Point