The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also...
Bad Blood
A man forced to finally deal with his problems ends up in a strange, desolate space, which he can not leave until he puts all the pieces together.
“Safety First!” is a story of two young couples, who try to hook up one night, during COVID. Everything works against them, including...
Safety First!
Based on a series of Facebook posts and rumors, group of high-school students suspect a friend of theirs is in serious trouble and take action to...
Status: In Trouble
This is a feature about one discontinued and one started love, with passion and betrayal floating between them. Kata and Djidji live their own life,...
Golden Five
Jealousy, envy, gossip, and greed are testing Zona's and Mane's perfect marriage.
Zamfir's Zona Part Two
Four girls unknowingly experience the happiest days of their lives during an uneventful best-friend trip to Belgrade.
These Days
The film follows the celebrated writer and Nobel prize winner Ivo Andrić during WWII, when diplomats and diplomatic staff from Yugoslav missions...
Spring on the Last Lake