Chinmay, a young doctor, faces societal resistance when he returns to his village to open a clinic. Despite opposition from the village baidya and...
Plot Unavailable.
Jhiati Sita Pari
Mun Tume O Se
A man from lower social background qualifies and gets an administration job and to match his higher social occupation, he leaves his family, friends,...
Hakim Babu
Film starring Ajit Das, Tandra Roy and Swarup Nayak
Para Jhia Ghara Bhangena
The film is a gloomy tale of childhood lovers, who separate and unite at the end.
Sindura Bindu
A retired school principal who is desperately looking for his missing son finds out that the police are probing whether his son has joined hands with...
Lal Odhani
Subir is a professional singer with a soaring career. He does not plan to marry-until he meets Uma.
A 2008 Odiya-language film based off the 1991 film Sleeping With The Enemy and the 1996 film Agni Sakshi. Chandan is in love with Shriya, despite...
Mu Sapanara Soudagar