The film "Eternal Mission" tells about the tumultuous fate of the delegation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic sent to the Paris Peace Conference...
Eternal Mission
Execution Day feature movie demonstrates the process of execution, its rules and other details in the USSR. In the movie we have shot the prison life...
Execution Day
The film is about a day of the 19th-20th century famous tycoons from Baku Agha Musa Naghiyev and Hadji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev.
The Burden
Before his death, the jeweler wrote a will in which he mentioned the famous diamond "Abbas Shah." But when the heirs discovered his personal safe,...
Dance of Good and Evil
The film based on Agil Abbas's novel about Nagorno-Karabakh War. The film tells about the heroism of the sons of Azerbaijan, who fought for the...