A seventeen-year-old high school student, Mary, and her new friend Josie, a trans youth, embark on a harrowing journey of friendship, fortitude, and...
Mary Go Round, Mary Go Round
Two different lives. Two different perspectives. A tale of two completely different people separated with walls, merged into one single frame.
Two teenagers in love. A serial killer on the loose. Mother is on the way home. Altercation happens. Will they be able to close the door?
Close The Door When You Leave
A camgirl that is adored by many is captivated by a mysterious guy only leaving her with a self-reflection in the midst of pleasure, discovery, and...
A girl meets an odd boy. She tries to run away from him but he manages to catch up.
Catch Up
A mysterious young woman wanders around what seems to be a city of distraught, only to discover humanity's social collapse and the true monsters...