When the killer of an adolescent labor activist is acquitted, journalist Shahbaz Bhatti sees glaring loopholes in the verdict, and begins a quest for...
Gunjal (Entangled)
A feature-length 3D animated film targeted at families and children of all ages. The film evolved through extensive research and pre-production over...
Heera: One in a Million
A man vows to win the heart of the woman he loves.
Punjab Nahi Jaungi
3 children now have a task of defeating babe balm who is rising again.
3 Bahadur: The Revenge of Baba Balaam
Now settled into married life, Pervez and Sheikh jump at the chance to travel to Turkey with their wives to visit Pervez's well-to-do brother-in-law,...
Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2
Jawaani Lay Doobi
The movie revolves around three childhood friends, who are married and settled in their lives but are afraid of their wives.
Jawani Phir Nahi Ani
Parey Hut Love (transl. Stay Away, Love) is a 2019 Pakistani romantic comedy film, directed by Asim Raza. Written by Imran Aslam, the story...
Parey Hut Love