romantic comedy that focuses on the issue of polygamy in Malaysia. The story centres on a successful plastic bowl businessman from Perak known as Dr...
Kahwin 5
Tok Mudim is the greatest mohel (a specialist ritual circumciser) in Kampung Seri Menawan. However, his renown is tarnished due to the involvement of...
Hantu Tok Mudim
Day, it started in a remote village with a very few of it's resident headed by Ustaz Ishaq were busy preparing themself for a burial ceremony. The...
2 Alam
The film begins with a hunting by Mama Tammy and Izaqs to find those who are still living Watson. Izaq kidnapped Milla by helicopter and took him to...
Sifu Dan Tongga
A young girl faces the challenge of an unexpected pregnancy. Faced with impending bankruptcy, her father makes the difficult decision to sell her in...
In Doubt