Set in Charlotte, N.C., the story opens with everyone desperate to solve the latest crisis: a serial killer is specializing in out-of-town...
Hornet's Nest
In the not-so-distant future, a fiercely independent woman recruits the one-night-stand who got her pregnant for a cross country trip to get an...
Jenna Gets an Abortion
16-year-old Cassie Sullivan tries to survive in a world devastated by the waves of an alien invasion that has already decimated the population and...
The 5th Wave
The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague...
Need for Speed
Dylan Derringer, a lonely dentist in Florida, is confronted by a figure from the past bringing news that sends him on an eventful and ultimately...
One Last Thing
A single mother whose life has been beset by personal tragedy struggles to realize her dreams as an R&B singer in director Kirsten Person Ramey's...
Mary Proud