Mat Tudung Begins tells the story of a boy named Johari who works in a hotel. The Hotel where he works will receive the arrival of the Forbest jury...
Mat Tudung Begins
When Hafiz`s mother is kidnapped, the only thing that can help him save her is a RM100 note that his late father left him - which contains clues that...
Detektif Kemon
Sahak was raised by Pak Andak, a notorious local gangster who saw him as the future leader of the Bunga Merah Gang. Everything changed when Pak Andak...
Sahak Gangster
Three friends – Miera, Mona and Ad return to their hometown after being layoff. Earlier, Miera’s boss gives her a holiday voucher at...
Dato' Ai La Beau
The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous...
Based on a true story, the film tells a chilling tale about a group of people who are haunted or possessed by a ghost and it is up to one woman to...
Malam Penuh Bermisteri
The construction work to build the Kg. Latah Sports Complex is stopped when contract workers come across the pharaoh's mummy's coffin. When it is...
Kampung Latah… The Mummy
Amran, Kunyit and Mat Motor goes on a getaway with their girlfriends to Fraser's Hill but is stalled when one of their member's bike breaks down....
Hantu Bonceng 2.0
Family and friends of Datuk Hamdan get together to escort his son, Amen, the groom-to-be to the bride's house for a solemnization ceremony. The...
Jaga-Jaga Senariounion
The shadow of an African immigrant in an abandoned house was mistaken for a ghost and the hilarious situations that ensued, creating havoc in a...
Men Who Save the World
As a child, Safiya stole ketupat for her sick mother, Mahani, only to find her dead upon returning home. Traumatized and resentful towards her...
Hijab Pendosa