Mat Tudung Begins tells the story of a boy named Johari who works in a hotel. The Hotel where he works will receive the arrival of the Forbest jury...
Mat Tudung Begins
Directed by Mawi, this movie is a continuation of the telemovie “Rock Sangkut”. It follows the adventures of three young village-dwellers...
Tiada Tajuk
The story of a lost Korean ghost in Malaysia and caused chaos among the residents of Kampung Tengah, Taiping.
This story tells about the life of 3 good friends who lived in a rented house. RUDY, is an extra that always played a ghost character in every film....
Kawan Aku Mati Dalam Rumah Sewa
The 4th installment of Lawak Ke Der brought to you by non other, Hans Isaac. Featuring Harith Iskandar, Afdhlin Shauki Douglas Lim and Bocey live...
Lawak Ke Der 2015
The 5th installment of Lawak Ke Der series brought to you by Hans Isaac featuring comedians such as Afdlin Shauki, Douglas Lim, Harith Iskander,...
Lawak Ke Der 2016
Two struggling brothers start a money lending business, facing fierce opposition from rival Ah Longs. They must save a tailor from a ruthless enemy...
Baik Punya Ah Long
A story about Fadil who fall into mafia world led by Taji Samprit and his son Wak Doyok. An incident causes Inspector Wahab and Inspector Shuib to...
Abang Long Fadil 2
Illegal street racer Kintang Kintung always wins when he is on the streets. One night during a race, he accidentally runs over a girl, instantly...
Hantu Wangan
Akmal had promised his mother that he was getting married this time but he had not met the girl of his choice so far. It's all because of two things:...
Salah Susuk Raya
Bringing back memories of fasting, celebrations, festivals, sightseeing and grooming practices and much more that people in the past used to do, from...
Terobek Raya
Usop and Zul are trapped in their hostel during the nation wide lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They meet Ain, the lone resident of her...