John, a New York City-based undercover operative and his team, are entrusted with a secret mission to bring back their team leader, who has been...
Dhruva Natchathiram: Chapter One – Yuddha Kaandam
An Investigative Police officer teams up with an autism school teacher to solve the mystery of a cruel murder happened in a school for autistic...
Theeyavar Kulaigal Nadunga
Revoles around 6 characters Sujith, Swaathi, Joshua, Jyothi Meenakshi, Siva and Chitra an how they express their love and admiration for each other...
Vaan Moondru
The story of the great Indian rocket scientist, Shri Nambi Narayanan's life, a true patriot, who was turned into a villain in the blink of an eye...
Rocketry: The Nambi Effect
Gautham, a junior doctor, is carefree and leads a life without ambition. He gets entangled in a medical conspiracy that changes his course of life....
After being attacked by three unidentified men, Shruti is rushed to the hospital. The very same night three drunk friends, Sujith, Ramesh and...
When three young women are harassed and implicated in a crime they didn't commit, a bipolar lawyer sets out to help them clear their names and prove...
Nerkonda Paarvai
Sitting Chief Minister Vinodhan, who is facing imprisonment in an illegal assets case, makes his son, Varun the temporary CM until his return. The...