The play revolves around a person who went to prison because of the accumulated debts on him, and when a very absurd video comes out to the world in...
In a comic framework, the play revolves around the spread of a new virus that affects women over the age of forty-five, and how Amina and her family...
Amina's Dream
عودة ريا و سكينة
It is so funny and it is Hassn Al-Ballam and his group making fun of everybody.
مسرحية بطالي
The play revolves around (Mahboub) who works as silent actor in television dramas, and comes the opportunity to become a lead actor in his work, but...
A Kuwaiti Comedy Play Starring Hassan Al Ballam.
Awdat Al Tajneed
المهمة الصعبة
A comedy play that deals with some Gulf social problems, and presents the suffering of Arab and Gulf youth in a comedic framework with some...
The schmuck in London
A mother and her three headstrong daughters find themselves in endless humorous situations as they go through life’s daily challenges.
Her Excellency, Mum
The events of the play revolve around the corrupt lining in the Gulf and Arab society in a comedic and purposeful way. The events of the play begin...
Weld Batenha
الطابق الثاني