Film about a woman's struggle in a male-dominated society in the late 1800s. Amalie Skram was one of our first female writers who fought woman...
The young factory girl Milja comes in disaster on board fishing with Julius, who fails her for the beautiful and unreliable Petrina. The people from...
The young fisherman Tørres wants to become rich, so he can get revenge over Krøger, who has taken his family home. He gets a job in...
Tørres Snørtevold
We meet the young violinist Øyvind Dahl at a time when everything has weighed him down and he is completely desperate for alcohol. He has left...
Veien tilbake
Norwegian Drama based on Oscar Braathen's Novel.
The story tells of the many misadventures, some comical, and trials and tribulations that Bør Børson, Jr. has to go through and endure...
Bør Børson Jr.