A young man named Mike starts receiving messages from a shy, seemingly innocent young woman named Carli. She likes to play dress up, often dressing...
In 1,000 BC, a virgin and her friends venture into the hills, to grieve and ponder the grim fate that awaits her.
Absolute Vow
At the risk of her group's safety, a young woman travels into a National Forest where her sister has become trapped in a multi-dimensional world of...
The Axiom
A dwarf named Ed falls in love with a big woman named Linda. He cuts her open and climbs into her womb to be "born again."
The Dark Side of the Womb
Death by 1000 cuts refers to an ancient method of torture in which numerous small cuts were made on a victim's body. None of the cuts were deadly by...
Death by 1000 Cuts
A lazy, and often drunk, private detective teams up with a young woman who likes karate movies and bad puns to solve the murder of a fashion...
Killer Looks
After seeing a young woman kidnapped and taken to a house, a popular horror video blogger decides to go into the house, armed with only his camera,...