Detective Ma Seok-do changes his affiliation from the Geumcheon Police Station to the Metropolitan Investigation Team, in order to eradicate Japanese...
The Roundup: No Way Out
Hae-woong, an assembly member candidate, is taken out of the running because he became a thorn in the side of a local bigwig, Sun-tae. Hounded by...
The Devil's Deal
A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl...
The Witch: Part 2. The Other One
Tragedy, betrayal and a mysterious discovery fuel a woman's vengeance for the loss of her tribe and family.
Kingdom: Ashin of the North
Hyeon-joon, who transferred to Gwangsanggo, meets Jin-won, Byeong-yeon, and Yeong-soo, who are armed with a knuckle, and forms to be the fourth...
Mr. Boss