Bori, an 11-year-old girl in a seaside village, is the only family member who can hear. As an elementary school student, Bori becomes more and more...
A teenage girl is captured by a giant mutated squid-like creature that appears from Seoul's Han River after toxic waste was dumped in it, prompting...
The Host
혈적자: 피를 쫓는 사나이
A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out...
In 2029, Korea's lunar probe Woori embarks on a historic journey to the moon, capturing global attention.
The Moon
A love for a cousin, deeply engraved in childhood. Twelve years later, a stopped heart begins to beat again.
Kissing Cousin
A young writer can't write a word for his next novel, he also doesn't feel right with his fiancée; because he falls in love with a woman, but...