Directed by Jang Kil-soo, the film revolves around a boy and his younger sister, who live in poverty yet in a pure and innocent way. A boy named...
The Crescent Moon
Park Pil-gi’s family has never owned a house for three generations. They have to live in a rented room all their lives. Quite understandably,...
Ghost House
Yoo-ri, a seemingly model student from a well-to do family suddenly commits suicide. Detectives suspect suicide, but her mother Hye-young believes...
Toxic Parents
A notorious grave robber Dae-chool, recently stole a precious Buddha statue. However, two kids Ji-min and Byung-oh steal it from him for fun....
My Captain Mr. Underground
40-year-old Sociology professor Hye-jung falls for a 21-year-old Usang, a male student who helps her project research on women's extramarital affair....
Secrets, Objects
A story about mothers and their achievements through a mother who was once a Taekwondo champion but is now an ordinary mother with an adolescent son.
I'm Doing Fine in Middle School