Rachvelians, notables with their slowness tell awkward, partly unbelievable and very funny anecdotes they have gone through, while their countryman...
The Fastest People in the World
Arriving in his native village, a young sculptor falls in love with one of the villager girl and decides to create a statue of her. This relationship...
Wedding Imeretian Style
Everyday lives in Tbilisian courtyard during World War 2.
Time of Our Childhood
The Messenger of God appears to the passengers of the plane and asks each of them about their sins. An extreme situation reveals the hidden nature...
Georgians In The Sky
Bata, orphaned by her mother, has gone through a long way of life, and witnessed a lot - the fall of feudalism, revolution, and changing times. He...
Bata Qeqia
Puple, Valerian and Asiko are elderly actors. People no longer pay attention to the famous actors of the past. The troupe went on tour without them....
Spring On A Roadside
Two lovers – a young shepherd, Mzechabuka, and a peasant girl, Teona, - have endured all the trials falling to their lot and see the happy time...
The White Rose of Immortality
In a desperate attempt to save his wife's life, Nestor Cerpa - leader of the Peruvian revolutionary movement - and his commandos stormed the...
The Siege
The forty-year-old composer, who once showed great promise, becomes a piano tuner. On his old car, the resilient hero drives around Georgia, helping...
Hey, Maestro!
Dreaming of creating a Czech musical theater, not recognized in his homeland, Josef Navratil, under the pseudonym of Iosif Ratili, one day comes on...
Lazar helped grandma Varo, who came to the city from the village, fill out a sports lotto ticket. A few days later, the young man discovered that...
The adventures of a teenager who came from the city to the village for his summer vacation.
My Holidays
Road workers, having paralyzed traffic on a busy street, dig a well into which they intend to lower a concrete pipe. Two passers-by watch them...
Adults have no time for little Giga. Only a strange stranger, who turns out to be an angel, and his funny dog become his friends....
Giga, Angel, Snowball and Others
An author - a passive young man - enters the Soviet-controlled bureaucracy of Georgia attempting to get his novel published only to be neglected and...
Blue Mountains, or Unbelievable Story
For Those Who Like to Solve Crosswords
Happy Kuchkhi
I, Godfather of Pele!
The film is based on a real story. Climbers found the purse of a military postman killed during World War II, letters sent 30 years later.
Don't Believe that I'm No Longer Here
Death of a Philatelist
Dangerous criminals attempt to involve children in their crimes, but law enforcement officers manage to promptly put a stop to their activities.
Who is Fourth?
The film is based on the fables of Sulkhan-Saba Orbelia
The Tent of Wisdom
There was a good blacksmith in the village. Someone decides to promote the blacksmith and appoints a secretary for him. Later the blacksmith gets his...
The film's protagonist, Lazarus, helps his grandmother Varo, who has just arrived from the village, fill out a Sport Lotto ticket. A few days later,...
A young female film director Nino is shooting her first film, it will be about Tusheti. However, everything is not easy for Nino: the death of his...
Beginning of the Road
georgian short movie