An anime adaptation of the erotic manga "Ikenai Boy" by Yoshihiro Suma, serialized in Business Jump. Our hero is the typical young energetic college...
Ikenai Boy
Sequel to Ikenai Boy.
Ikenai Boy: Ikasu Maruhi Hand Power
Magic swords, damsels in distress... and an instant camera? It's cold steel and hot babes as our morally impaired young knight must rescue multiple...
Dragon Knight
A group of alien girls from planet Blade Star come to earth after their home planet got destroyed. They all have powerful Super-Lake Crystals that...
Battle Team Lakers EX
A recap of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion episodes 42–50, with new footage. The Black Knights and the Holy Empire of Britannia finally...
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion – Glorification
Suffering from a crippling memory loss ever since an accident at the age of six, Toshiaki finds new hope, and a new mystery, when he is visited by a...
Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and...
Fight!! Spirit of the Sword
Two partners Effera and Jiliora escape from a slave boat with the aid of their friend Orlin and a young boy named Kilian. When Kilian is killed in...
Gude Crest: The Emblem of Gude